Owen Abbott
Jan 10, 2021

School started on Monday of this week. My IT course follows rudimentary web design with CSS, HTML, and some javascript. DePaul is for super rich kids so it’s no surprise to me that the material is exceedingly simple.

During my last class, we learned about some HTML tags.

<hr> creates a line break.

<br> creates a break.

<strong> is bold. You can also use the outdated <b> but that isn’t recommended.

<em> makes things italic.

<a> is for links.

At flatiron we only spent about a day on HTML, and at DePaul I’m going to be immersed in it for the next ten weeks. Who knows though, probably I’ll end up picking things up. It’s always good to take a close look at the deeper levels of things.

That about covers the code lesson for today.

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